Performance reviews can sometimes fall into the trap of being a one-way communication conversation in which your manager is telling you areas you can improve. However, setting your performance review up as a two-way conversation, will create many opportunities. In this blog we will cover three of those opportunities that you can create by having a performance review as a two-way-communication conversation.
1. It is an opportunity to you and your manager to get to the same page
What often happens is that your manager will identify a gap in your performance or an area you don’t do very well in. Performance reviews are a great opportunity to clarify why you aren’t doing too well in a certain area and, more importantly, it may be something they should be fixing.
If you haven’t received training, if there aren’t processes or, in a lot of cases, the task or area has never been communicated with you to complete, a performance review meeting is a great opportunity to clarify this and correct it.
2. It is an opportunity for your manager to learn as well
Performance reviews reflect on the manager as much as it will the employee. Performance reviews are a great opportunity for a manager to ask ‘What can I do better?’, or ‘Is there anything I can do to support you in this area?’
As a manager, these questions are important to ask because performance reviews are an important platform to understand what training gaps there are in the team, gaps in procedures and opportunities that may not be capitalised on.
3. It is an opportunity to get what you want from your career
You may perform well in your role and your manager may have nothing but positive feedback for you. However, performance reviews are a great opportunity to ask ‘What’s next?’
Performance reviews, at their core, are to grow and develop you in a direction that aligns with the organisation’s objectives and your career goals.
Performance reviews are a two-way conversation and every stakeholder, being the organisation, manager and employee, should use it as an opportunity for continuous improvement, tracking against operational targets and planning for future targets.