What is mentorship and how to do it well
Mentorship can be defined as a relationship between a more experienced individual and a less experienced individual in which the…
The Change Network has partnered with AgSkilled to provide comprehensive workforce training tailored to the agricultural plant-growing and livestock industries.
AgSkilled is for anyone interested or working in the agricultural plant-growing and livestock sectors. Applicants could be a primary producer, farm employee, industry professional or someone seeking employment in the sector, including job seekers and school leavers.
To be eligible you need to meet
the minimum criteria below:
AgSkilled subsidised student fees depend on your:
The Skills List covers all qualification levels from Certificate II to Advanced Diploma and includes foundation skills, apprenticeships, traineeships, and accredited courses.
The Change Network offers qualifications in the regions of Sydney and Far West/Orana.
As part of the enrolment process, you will be asked to review and sign a consent to use and disclosure of personal information to the Department of Education and Communities and other Government agencies.
Participants can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT). Should your application for RPL and/or CT be approved by The Change Network as per the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 and the NSW Recognition Framework, the outcomes will be entered to determine any reduction in the course Fee.
RPL is an assessment process assessing your competence against the competency standards you seek recognition for with the provision of evidence. Please contact The Change Network if you wish to apply for RPL prior to enrolling.
CT applies when you can provide a Certificate, Statement of Attainment or transcript that has recorded the same unit code and title of a unit included in the enrolled course. You will be asked to provide a certified copy of your transcripts, as evidence of your seeking CT. Alternatively, you can give The Change Network to check your USI transcript. Please contact The Change Network if you wish to apply for CT prior to enrolling
If you wish to defer your course you may do so for a maximum of 12 (twelve) months from when we have received notification from you. It is hoped that you should not need to discontinue your course. After this time, you will not be entitled to continue your course.
If you wish to discontinue your course, we ask that you inform The Change Network in writing. Any refunds owing please refer to the Fees and Refund Section on the Student Handbook available on The Change Network website.
If you wish to defer or discontinue your course please write, with your reasons, to support@changenetwork.com.au.
The Consumer Protection Policy also outlines the rights of a student who undertakes a VET training under the AgSkilled Funding. It includes any measures that have been set by the government to ensure consumer protection are obliged by the training providers, as well as other processes that may assist the students receiving training under the AgSkilled funding. You may also visit the relevant page on Smart and Skilled website here.
Your feedback is important to us at The Change Network. To protect your rights as a student please refer to the Consumer Protection Policy available here.
Alternatively, you may wish to contact the NSW AgSkilled Customer Support Centre direct at here.
As part of their program students may be offered a range of support to meet their development needs. These include:
• Learning and academic support
• Flexible learning options
• Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessments
• Mentoring and Coaching
• One-on-one tutoring
• Pre-training interviews
• Guidance from RTO staff
Once you have decided on your course of study please contact The Change Network and discuss the enrolment procedure. You will be asked to fill in an enrolment form which will include some specific eligibility questions. The Change Network will submit your application for enrolment to AgSkilled and obtain a formal quote detailing your course and applicable student fee (if any). You will have seven (7) days in which to accept the quotation. Once you accept the quote your enrolment will be finalised and you can begin your course on the start date.
As part of the enrolment process you will be asked to:
• Consent to use and disclosure of personal information to the Department of Education and Communities and other Government agencies
• Sign a declaration that all information provided is true accurate complete and not misleading in any way
• Confirm that you have received details of the fees chargeable
• Provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) – this can be obtained from the Unique Student Identifier website but only needs to be obtained once. If you already have a USI please use that number on your enrolment application. Please refer to https://www.usi.gov.au for further information or to obtain your own Unique Student Identifier.
As part of this process, and prior to confirming your enrolment, you will be given AgSkilled Fee Administration Policy which you can access here, and a Student Handbook. This Handbook will provide appropriate information in relation to fees, Recognition of Prior Learning, Credit Transfer, the process for deferring or discontinuing your studies, consumer protection information, and how to access support and assistance including contact details.
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Mentorship can be defined as a relationship between a more experienced individual and a less experienced individual in which the…
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